Letter from Guildoo
I will be buying for children in our public schools this October 2024. Clothes and Coats for Cuties will provide winter coats for 7 schools this Fall.
We are taking monetary donations, new and very gently used coat donations through September and the first 2 weeks of October. You can bring your donations to Sterling Wood Church or directly contact me about it. debbie@clothesandcoatsforcuties.org
What we do

Clothes & Coats for Cuties provides school uniforms and coats to underserved students in the Cloverleaf and surrounding communities. We have partnered with the counselors at Cloverleaf Elementary, Green Valley Elementary, Woodland Acres Elementary and Sam Houston Elementary Schools. The needs of the students are determined, and a list of the sizes is provided by the school counselors. This gives us the opportunity to purchase uniforms and coats that will be distributed by the counselors to the students. It is very exciting to announce that we just added Green Valley, Woodland Acres, and Sam Houston this year 2023.
Contact Debbie for more information!
What we believe

Commitment, transparency and giving.
These three values stand at the center of Clothes & Coats for Cuties. We wholeheartedly commit to the work we do with passion and dedication, transparently sharing it with our community and inviting others to take part.
No student should have to wear ill-fitting clothes to school or be cold because they don’t have a coat. We aim to help them feel better about themselves and their future, giving them hope. On top of this, we challenge ourselves to think creatively and think outside the box to make this happen. This drives the success and future of Clothes & Coats for Cuties.
GEt involved

Clothes and Coats for Cuties is dedicated to making a lasting impact in the elementary schools in the Cloverleaf community and surrounding area.
$30 provides 2 uniforms or a coat for a student.
We have PayPal, Venmo, checks and cash accepted.
We invite you to partner with us. A great idea to help would be to challenge your co-workers, friends, family members or extracurricular activity members to come together and set a goal and see if you can meet the goal or surpass it to raise money then donate. We will honor you on our website.

Venmo: @clothesandcoatsforcuties
Another way to help is by using your Kroger rewards. Go to the Kroger website at Kroger.com and search for us in Community Rewards. A small percentage of your spending can be donated to us.